Guatemala Conebosque Green Coffee Beans Washed Arabica (1kg)
Our Product Code: GRGUA
We currently have 57 in stock.
Location/Origin | Guatemala |
Altitude | 1500m-1650m |
-Variety | Red Catuai, Yellow Catuai, Hybrid |
Preparation | Washed |
Harvest | June-December |
Owner / Farm | Erika Sanchez |
SCA Cup score and notes | 84 Dark chocolate, Pip fruit, Stone Fruit - juicy cup with supportive citric acidity and smooth body. |
Cooperativa Nueva Esperanza del Bosque (Conebosque) was founded in 2004 to process and market coffee produced by small and medium growers in the region. It is a small group with 35 producers of which 20% are women. Each farm has an average of 3 to 4 hectares of coffee and is based on altitudes between 1550m and 1600m. Our regional coffee has a general citric and sweet cup profile with an aroma of lemon and chocolate and notes of almond and caramel with a round body.
The office and warehouse of the cooperative are located at an altitude 1610 meters above sea level in Aldea el Bosque, a department that belongs to Santa Rosa, Guatemala (45Km from Guatemala City). The cooperative has a wet mill and a dry mill to process its own coffees and have better traceability.
This washed lot is composed of coffees from 4 farmers of Conebosque: Jorge Guzman, Enrique Garcia, Nery Campos and the Ramirez Family.
Farm: La Pila
Altitude: 1597m
Varieties: Typica and Red Catuaí
Map coordinates: 14° 25' 09" N90° 24' 51"W
About: Jorge joined Conebosque in 2010. He grew up at his family's farm, helping his father with their cattle. When he grew up, Jorge felt demotivated to work with coffee due to the low prices at the time and decided to emigrate to the United States. He lived there for 10 years and later returned to Guatemala to be with his family and look after the farm. Dedicated to coffee, Jorge has been renovating the trees as the older ones have around 50 years. A good part of his plot already has newer trees, ranging from 10 to 15 years. Jorge likes to grow other trees to provide extra sources of income and shade for coffee such as banana, grevillea (silver oak), chalum, orange and lemon trees. Jorge is seen by the community as a kind and positive person, always fighting to export coffee and get better prices to reward their efforts.
Farm: El Apazotal
Altitude: 1527m
Varieties: Red Catuaí
Map coordinates: 14° 25' 29"N 90° 25' 00"W
About: Enrique is one of Conebosque's founding partners and managed to organize the cooperative alongside several producers
from Aldea el Bosque in 2004. At his farm, Los Apazotales, the age of the trees ranges from 25 to 30 years. The shade is provided by silver oak and lots of pine trees. Enrique is the sixth of twelve siblings and from a young age learned the trade of coffee and processing from his father, who managed a coffee farm in the 1980s. He is currently in charge of supervising the entire dry
processing of coffee at Conebosque to improve and maintain quality.
Farm: Los Pocitos
Altitude: 1610m
Varieties: Yellow Catuaí
Map coordinates: 14° 25' 18"N 90° 24' 53"W
About: Nery is a very patient, kind and calm person. He doesn't like to talk much but when asked about coffee he brings many ideas. At Los Pocitos, Nery produces good quality bananas, taking advantage of the shade for the coffee plants. Father of two, Nery made an effort with his wife to take them forward in their intermediate level studies. His daughter is currently in third grade and his son has just graduated from general mechanics. Nery is currently in charge of managing the milling and sorting in the dry mill. His concern is that the green coffee reaches its destination as clean and homogeneous as possible.
Farm: Trojas Viejas
Altitude: 1485m
Varieties: Yellow and Red Catuaí
Map coordinates: 14° 25' 00"N 90° 23' 43"W
About: Rufina, Otto and Claudia Ramirez run the Trojas Viejas farm together. They produce and collect the coffee at the 6 hectares plot in a farm inherited from their grandfather. The Ramirez family has plants of 15 and 20 years of age and the main shade tree is the native chalum. They joined the cooperative in 2015 with the aim of learning more about coffee and improving their prices.
Claudia is currently one of the members in charge of the selection process for defective beans (black, dried cherry, snail, cut, brocade).
Guatemala Conebosque Green Coffee Beans Washed Arabica (1kg)