Papua New Guinea Y Grade Arabica Green Coffee Beans (1kg)
Our Product Code: GRPNG
We currently have 28 in stock.
Location/Origin | Papua New Guinea |
Altitude | 1600m |
Variety | Typica |
Preparation | Washed |
Harvest | June-December |
Owner / Farm | Kongo Coffee Limited |
SCA Cup score and notes | 82 Gentle body and mild acidity, with sweet and fruity flavours – rhubarb crumble with vanilla custard topping |
Papua new Guinea Y grade (1kg bag)
Papua New Guinea is considered as one of the least developed countries on the planet, with tribes which have had limited contact with the rest of the world. The country formerly an Australian colony is heavily influenced by its large antipodean neighbour.
PNG's coffee industry is based upon tens of thousands of small, village and Coffee is this country's most valuable agricultural export.
The grade coffee from Papua New Guinea is classified under this export grade. It is produced by village small-holders from the Western & Eastern Highlands heading south into the lower altitudes of Lae and Popondetta. This coffee has is an excellent base for blending because of traditionally bodied fruity character.
Name: Papua new Guinea Y grade
Country: Papua new Guinea
Region: Waghi valey, western Highlands
Altitude: 700 to 1500 meters
Harvest: April to September
Coffee is an important commodity in Papua New Guinea, making a significant contribution to the country’s export revenue earnings, as well as giving employment to more than 400,000 Papua New Guineans involved in all aspects of the industry, all of whom derive all or part of their income from coffee.
Given the importance of coffee to Papua New Guinea, the Coffee Industry Corporation (CIC) decided to undertake a major review of the country’s quality standards to determine whether they are suitable and appropriate for the current and projected future demands of the international market – the aim being to provide the Papua New Guinea coffee industry with the most appropriate framework within which it could maximise the returns to all parts of the value chain.
Quality grades and standards, governing the export of coffee from Papua New Guinea, were first established when the bulk of production was produced on expatriate owned and managed estates. Coffee grades were determined essentially as a function of bean size, defect count, bean shape, odour and very rudimentary descriptions of liquoring characteristics, which at the time actually suited both the internal and external industry extremely well. Adjustments were made in the late 1960s and 1970s to account for the growing importance of smallholder coffee, but at the time all smallholder produced coffee was lumped together under one blanket grade, nominated as Y.
Papua New Guinea Y Grade Arabica Green Coffee Beans (1kg)